Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well, I have just been on youtube for about an hour searching various things and found some weird and wacky videos as well as some really cool and creative and must see videos so check them out. Go onto and search for the following
The Coolest Thing You've Probably Seen Recently (actually REALLY cool!)
Dance Evolution ( brought back memories)
and you can't forget the Bride Wig Out (which had been proven that it is a phony and she is a Canadian woman wanting to be an actress, but it is still pretty funny).

I also had my first run in with MySpace this week at work. I don't have a MySpace ad, and I think I am one of very few at my job but maybe someday soon I'll get one. Anyway, Thursday, I was called into the office during my break and was told they needed to discuss a MySpace "blog"....I was made aware that some children in our school posted a myspace ad making very derogatory remarks about several teachers in my school and when I heard them I nearly fell on the floor. Luckily I wasn't one of the teachers mentioned (I can only imagine what they might have said about me!) but the teachers were made aware of this in case anything was said in the halls or by parents about this situation. The police I believe are actually getting involved, but nothing has been done to the students about it, and more that anything, that is what burns me up the most. I know for a fact atleast half of my class had myspace ads and I truly think it is not appropriate for younger "tweens" to be a part of. It's just amazing to me what some of the kids post, display and say on thier ads. And what is more amazing to me is that the parents either don't know, don't care or don't realize how serious this all can truly become.
For now, I'll stick to emails and IM's.


tony said...

Read my new posting, you and I are on the same page. Emails are better. Just to let you know there is a site call "Rate your teacher".com. Go there, pick out your school,teacher and read on!. Unfortunately you can't reply to some of the awful things the kids post.

Isn't the Internet wonderful!!

Mitchelll said...

I share your concern. Myspace is definitely not for younger eyes. There is some really inappropriate material on it. When they post something, they forget that in a short amount of time it can circle the globe and is not retrievable. Once the key is pressed, there are no "do overs."

It saddened me to hear about the posting about the teachers especially in my town. It started with and now they have just found a new forum to sound off. I'm sure there have been plenty of times when teachers wish that there was a, but most teachers have respect for all their students and a generous helping of self control.

Kathy Cook said...

I have limited personal knowledge about Myspace, probably because the students that I teach are not there yet and my daughters are of an age that they are past it. However, there was an incident in our school district where a student posted one of the librarian's information as though the librarian had written it. I find that REALLY scary. It resulted in an email from the superintendent to all staff that we were more or less "forbidden" to post on Myspace, that it was unprofessional and not "befitting"... I thought that that edict was a bit frightening too. Does he have that right? The whole concept raises lots and lots of questions, and I am not sure to whom to turn to find answers.

Maraid said...

I find it interesting that there is so much concern about myspace but that nothing was said to the students. I also spent a lot of time on youtube. It's a lot of fun and you can spend hours just surfing around. I really can't see myself posting a video on the site but it is very entertaining.